Single masternode on local PC (Windows)

*Must have external IP address rented


  • 1. A local computer running under Windows 7, 8.1 or 10 and working 24/7.
    * Port 39741 MUST be opened in your firewall
  • 2. 5001 or more QNO as collateral (5000 QNO + 1 QNO to cover the transaction fees).
  • 3. QYNO wallet for windows.
  • 4. External IP address. Rent it from your internet service provider.


1. Install control wallet for windows and make qyno.conf and maternode.conf files
2. Start masternode
3. Install Sentinel

1. Install control wallet for windows and make qyno.conf and maternode.conf files

a) Go to and download wallet for your windows.

b) Unpack it (I advise you to unpack it to D:\QYNO folder)

c) Create DATABASE folder inside D:\QYNO folder

d) Launch qyno-qt.exe

e) It will offer to choose data directory. Select "Use a custom data directory" and select D:\QYNO\DATABASE folder (it will be more comfortable for future use)

f) After the wallet starts go to SETTINGS -> OPTIONS -> WALLET and check "Show Masternodes Tab". Press OK.

g) Close Qyno core and open again. You will see masternodes tab. Wait for Synchronizing finish.


i) Type: getaccountaddress masternode
(It's your masternode address, copy it to notepad. Send exactly 5000 coin to that address)

j) Type: masternode genkey
(This is your "masternodeprivkey", copy that key to notepad, you will need it later)

k) Close debug console

l) To the left corner of wallet application press FILE -> RECEIVING ADDRESSES

*NOTE: Sample addresses on picture. Don't sent here! Send to your addresses.

m) SEND 5001 QNO or more from exchange to first address labeled as "(no label)"

n) When coins come and you can see it in your wallet - send 5000 QNO exactly to address labeled as "masternode"
(exactly 5000 coins, don't try to send coins from exchange to "masternode" address directly. You will unable to send exactly 5000 from exchange).

o) It will appear as "Payment to yourself" and minus commission only. That is ok. Wait for 15 confirmations. It will take about 15 minutes. To check confirmations just double click on transaction.

p) Go to TOOLS -> DEBUG CONSOLE and type: masternode outputs

q) Copy text only to notepad without quotes and brackets. It will be your collateral_output_txid and collateral_output_index

r) Open TOOLS -> Open Masternode Configuration File

s) To the bottom of text you should paste your data(divided by spaces):
Masternodename - any you want
IP:port - Your external IP address and port 39741(port is fixed for all)
masternodeprivkey - You got it from step #1-j
collateral_output_txid - first part of masternode outputs(got it from step #1-p)
collateral_output_index - second part of masternode outputs (got it from step #1-p)
Ex: Masternodename IP:port masternodeprivkey collateral_output_txid collateral_output_index

* Last string is example how it must be looks like, don't copy my text but insert your data!
* Check your external rented IP from internet service provider. Port is 39741.

t) Save changes and close masternode.conf file.

u) Go to TOOLS -> Open Wallet Configuration File

v) You should change RPCUSER, RPCPASSWORD, EXTERNALIP and MASTERNODEPRIVEKEY. Copy whole text to notepad, change only red text with your data and paste it in qyno.conf file.

w) Save changes and close qyno.conf file and wallet.

2. Start masternode

a) Open windows wallet again

b) Wait for full sync

c) Open Masternodes tab -> My masternodes -> Start all

* Your status will become "PRE_ENABLED" and after 30-60min it will be changed to "ENABLED"
* Restart your wallet and start masternode as above, if your status became "NEW_START_REQUIRED" after running a few days.
* Don't worry if status is "WATCHDOG_EXPIRED". It will go back to "ENABLED" in 30-60 minutes.

* DON'T close your windows wallet. It must be run 24/7.

3. Install Sentinel

a) Download Sentinel from:

b) Unpack it to D:\QYNO and go to sentinel folder

c) Right button click on "run_sentinel.bat" and select "Edit"

d) On the opened window DELETE all text and paste the following blue text:
sentinel-win64.exe --config=D:\QYNO\DATABASE\qyno.conf

e) Save changes and close file

f) Double click "run_sentinel.bat"

* Green is ok! If it doesn't start, try to "Run as administrator". Don't close sentinel window, just minimize it.